Libra House

A crisis shelter for women & children

Libra House



Here is a list of resources that may be of help to women and their children. In addition to providing this information, Libra House welcomes you to contact staff at 896-8251 to assist you in identifying resources and services that may be helpful to you.


Telephone Numbers

EMERGENCY............................... 911
RCMP Happy Valley-Goose Bay............. 896-3383
RCMP Sheshatshiu........................ 497-8700
FIRE.................................... 896-2222
AMBULANCE............................... 896-2100
Poison Control Centre (24 Hour)......... 1-866-727-1110
Crisis/Help Lines:
Newfoundland and Labrador HealthLine.... 811
Pediatric Telephone Advice Line......... 1-866-722-1126
Kids Help Phone......................... 1-800-668-6868
NL Sexual Assault Crisis and
Prevention Centre Crisis Hotline........ 1-800-726-2743
NL Domestic Violence Help Line ......... 1-888-709-7090

Mental Health Crisis Line............... 1-888-737-4668
Gambling Help Line...................... 1-888-899-4357
Smokers Help Line....................... 1-800-363-5864
CHANNAL Peer Support Warm Line.......... 1-855-753-2560

The Housing Hub (Daytime)............... 896-4825 or 896-2389
The Housing Hub (After Hours)........... 896-6061
Advanced Education, Skills and Labour... 896-8846
AESL After Hours........................ 1-877-729-7888
Salvation Army.......................... 896-2756
Labrador Friendship Centre Food Bank.... 896-8302
Mokami Status of Women Council
                      Women's Centre.... 896-3484
                      Thrifty Fashion... 896-3878


Advanced Education, Skills and Labour

"The Department of Advanced Education, Skills and Labour has a mandate to ensure the province has highly educated graduates and skilled workers for a fast-growing economy. This includes creating a climate which is conducive to economic growth, competitiveness and prosperity. This will be achieved through a spectrum of programs, services, and supports."

Children, Seniors and Social Development

"The Department of CSSD supports individuals, families and communities in Newfoundland and Labrador in achieving improved health and social well-being and reduced poverty; and ensures the protection of children, youth and adults from abuse or neglect. The Department promotes the values of inclusion, diversity, and healthy active living and leads the development of policies, programs and partnerships to improve services and the overall social development of the Province."

Victim Services

"Victim Services is a voluntary, free and confidential justice service for victims of crime. Every situation is unique and our services reflect each individual's needs.
Whether it is deciding to report an incident to the police, guidance through the court process or follow-up after sentencing, we can help you explore your options and provide you with the information, understanding and support you need."

Family Justice Services

"Family Justice Services (FJS) assist families in resolving separation and divorce issues. FJS emphasizes the best interest of children and promotes dispute resolution outside the Court process. Dispute resolution occurs when parties talk to a neutral third person to explore ways to resolve their family law matters."

Labrador Friendship Centre

The mission statement of the Centre is: "The Labrador Friendship Centre will endeavour to provide the best possible services to enrich the lives of the Inuit, Innu and Metis of Labrador through the provision and implementation of social, cultural, health, educational, employment and developmental initiatives."
Programs offered include: Aboriginal Family Centre; Residential Services Program; Community Food Bank; Hostel and Cafeteria; Seniors Transportation; and Assisted Living

Mokami Status of Women Council

"The Mokami Status of Women Council (MSWC) is an equality seeking feminist organization that links women by sharing ideas, resources, skills, experience and knowledge. The Mokami Status of Women Council is dedicated to serving the needs of the women in its community. MSWC is a frontline service organization that works to empower women to help themselves, their families and their communities to build safer and healthier lifestyles. We work within the Upper Lake Melville area which is populated by Innu First Nations, NunatuKavut and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries. The town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, home to MSWC, is a service centre for many women who come from remote Aboriginal communities in Labrador."

Transition House Association of Newfoundland and Labrador

"The Transition House Association of Newfoundland and Labrador is a voluntary, non-profit, community-based organization whose mandate is to strengthen and support the network of provincially funded shelters and services for women — with or without children — affected by relationship violence"

[THANL's webpage provides a list of shelters (including contact information) in Newfoundland and Labrador.]

Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation

"NLHC is a crown corporation whose mandate is to develop and administer housing assistance policy and programs for the benefit of low to moderate income households throughout the province"
